Personal Assistants & Caregivers
I care for people how I would like to be cared for myself.
Our staff team comprises of Personal Assistants (PA) & Caregivers who are trained to support our customers with a variety of tasks to enable them to live independently within their own home.
All our staff complete a comprehensive range of recognised training to ensure that they are competent and confident in delivering a high-quality service to our customers. We believe that training and support are the key to delivering services that people want and need now and in the future.
Caregivers are staff who have undertaken The Care Certificate (an agreed set of standards that sets out the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of caregivers in the health and social care sector) and they are working towards achieving Health & Social Care Diploma Level 2 or Level 3.
Personal Assistants have undertaken The Care Certificate and/or have the Health & Social Care Diploma Level 2 or Level 3 or a higher qualification.
To demonstrate our commitment, we encourage all staff to work towards accredited training qualifications in Health & Social Care, they also complete regular update training sessions and have access to individual supervision and peer support.
All staff are required to successfully complete a robust vetting process before they are accepted into our team.